Hilltop Nurseries, 
Clacton Road, Weeley, 
Essex, CO16 9DN
01255 830325

Lawn Care Calendar

Follow our lawn care calendar to keep your lawn in tip top condition year-round


  • To prevent damage to the grass blades try not to walk on the lawn if it is frozen or waterlogged as the grass is unable to repair itself during its dormant period.
  • Service the mower and get the blades sharpened so that it’s ready for the first cut in spring.
  • Keep the lawn free of debris such as leaves and twigs, as this could encourage the onset of lawn diseases such as snow mould.


  • Scarify the lawn using a spring tined rake to remove any dead plant material in the lawn.
  • Repair damaged areas of grass by returfing or reseeding.
  • Mowing is the most important task for the continued health of a lawn, so mow whenever necessary (depending upon growth rate) with the mower blades on a high setting to protect the grass against damage from frost.
  • Feed the lawn with a spring fertiliser, applying it evenly to avoid a patchy appearance.


  • Scarify the lawn using a spring tined rake to remove any dead plant material in the lawn.
  • Repair damaged areas of grass by returfing or reseeding.
  • Mowing is the most important task for the continued health of a lawn, so mow whenever necessary (depending upon growth rate) with the mower blades on a high setting to protect the grass against damage from frost.
  • Feed the lawn with a spring fertiliser, applying it evenly to avoid a patchy appearance.


  • Increase the frequency of mowing and gradually reduce the height of the cut to between 25 and 30mm. Never remove more than a third of the grass length at any one time.
  • Water the lawn once a week early in the morning if the weather is very dry.
  • In peak growing conditions it may be necessary to mow the lawn up to twice a week.


  • If the weather is very dry, water the lawn thoroughly and ensure water reaches the roots of the grass by removing a ‘plug’ of turf. It’s very important to regularly water the lawn in dry conditions to prevent it from drying out and going brown. Note, however, that grass is very resilient and will recover from drought damage.
  • Mow less often if the weather is hot and dry and leave the grass clippings on the lawn to help retain ground moisture.
  • Continue to water the lawn deeply once a week during dry periods if necessary.


  • Scarify the lawn to remove any build up of thatch and to improve the lawn’s condition and appearance.
  • Aerate the lawn to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate down to the roots of the grass. This will also help with drainage.
  • Towards the end of the month feed the lawn with an autumn lawn fertiliser.


  • Begin to raise the height of the mower blades to keep the grass at a longer length – this will help to protect the roots of the turf from frost damage.
  • Apply a top dressing to smooth out the surface of the lawn, improve the soil, and help to protect the grass over the winter.
  • Rake up fallen leaves to prevent the onset of diseases.


  • Continue to keep the lawn free from debris such as leaves and twigs.
  • Keep mowing the grass if the lawn is still growing, but only when the grass is dry.


  • Disperse worm casts with a stiff broom.
  • Clean and service the mower before storing in a dry place.

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